Posts Tagged ‘Diet’

I decided that I was spending WAY too much money on supplements.  Because supplements are supposed to be SUPPLEMENTAL to what I am already consuming I thought it was a waste of money to pay for the Big Name Brands with their fancy Proprietary Blends and what not.  I decided to try to create my own personal Pre and Post workout supplements.  I buy ingredients in bulk.  My last bill was around $140.00.  This included ingredients for both the pre and post workout stuff.  The amount of ingredients that I bought should supply enough material for around 3 months of training (1-2 times a day, 5-6t times a week).  The equates to around $1.50 a day or $45 a month.  I was spending $100-150 a month on the Big Name Brands. I tried to keep it simple and easy.  I researched what a lot of the Big Name Brands used for ingredients in their supplements and tried to replicate it as closely as I could. What I found was that most pre and post workout supplements contained roughly the same ingredients as other pre and post workout supplements.  Here are the main ingredients:


  1. Caffeine
  2. BCAAs
  3. Beta Alanine
  4. Creatine
  5. Flavoring


  1. Whey Protein
  2. BCAAs
  3. Creatine
  4. Flavoring

These along with a few other ingredients (glutamine, vitamin c, etc) make up the bulk of most pre and post workout supplements.  I decided to go to BulkSupplements.Com to see how cheap (but good) of ingredients I could get.  After I placed my order (I actually ordered through Amazon so I could get 2 day free shipping so I could get it faster) I figured out how much of each ingredient to use to get me to the average amount that most other supplements used.  Here is what I came up with:


  1. Green Coffee Bean – 1/8 tsp = ~212mg of Caffeine
  2. BCAAs (2:1:1) – 3 tsp = ~5.3g
  3. Beta Alanine – 1/2 tsp = ~2.3g
  4. Creatine Monohydrate (Micronized) – 1 tsp = ~5g
  5. Great Value (Wal-mart brand) Sugar free-Low calorie Pink Lemonade Drink Mix – 1/2 packet = 1/2 tsp = 5 cal, o carbs 15mg Potassium, and flavoring to cover up the other stuff.


  1. Whey Protein Isolate – 2 Tbsp = ~30g
  2. BCAAs (2:1:1) – 3 tsp = ~5.3g (yes, I know I probably didn’t need to double up on the BCAAs)
  3. Creatine Monohydrate (Micronized) – 1/2 tsp = ~2.5g (yes, I know I probably don’t need much more than 5g of Creatine a day)
  4. Gatorade Powder – 1 scoop/12 oz = 80 cal, 21g carbs, and is good flavoring.

I poured the powders into (better)sealable containers and labeled them.  I measure them out each time.

If any of my readers have other ideas or a better way/cheaper way, etc. let me know.  I am open to trying anything.  I have been using my DIY supplements for a few weeks and I think they do help with my pre-workout energy and post-workout muscle soreness.



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Summary: Everything is good.  Protein is low (as always). Also, I missed eating supper.

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Summary:  Close to my limit on calories.  Great on carbs.  Double the fat intake I should have.  I finally hit my protein goal and went over by about 19g.  This was a very “Hungry” day for me.

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Summary: A little low on everything.  I didn’t have a lot of time to eat today.

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Summary: Good on calories.  Great on carbs.  Too much fat.  Way low on protein.  I need to get back into having more protein shakes or protein bars throughout the day.

Hello Everybody,

If you follow my blog (even remotely closely) you will notice that I haven’t posted a Dietary Journal for a while. There are a few reasons for this.  I am not trying to make excuses, just stating why.

  1. I have fallen off the band wagon of nutrition and I am embarrassed by my diet the last few days.
  2. I didn’t record all of my meals the last few days either because I didn’t have access to MyFitnessPal/my diet log or because I didn’t know/can’t find the nutritional information for what I ate.
  3. This is the biggest reason.  The Christmas Season is crazy busy for musicians.  Here is my schedule of events over the last week or so:
    1. My sister had a Christmas Concert I went to.
    2. I had a solo gig for a women’s organization in town.  It was supposed to be 30 min of me playing piano and singing.  It turned into 2 hours of entertainment.
    3. Extra church Advent responsibilities.
    4. Singing the National Anthem at a school basketball game.
    5. Recording some Christmas carols for the Community College Christmas play.
    6. Singing a 15 min. program for an organization of elderly people.
    7. Singing a few Christmas carols for local high school counselors at their annual luncheon.
    8. Hosting our annual Christmas Concert with 30 min of choral music and 5 solo selections.
    9. Preparing for our Hoist for the Holiday’s Lift-A-Thon at school.
    10. Just normal Christmas preparation.

Again, I am not trying to make excuses for a poor diet.  I could have done better had I not been so lazy.  I am going to get back on track.  I have a doctors appointment in a month or so.  I want to weigh at least 5-7 lbs less than I did at my last appointment.  Thanks for following my blog. If you ever have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment.

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Summary: Late night snack put me over on calories, but I was starving and couldn’t sleep.  Carbs were great.  Too much fat.  Closer on proteins.  I just need to get back on track.

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Summary: Good on calories.  I think I actually ate a couple hundred calories less that 1265.  Carbs are a bit low.  Fat is good.  Protein is better.  Still not enough though.

Happy Thankslifting…Happy Liftsgiving…Happy Thanksgiving!

Well…It is Thanksgiving today.  I am thankful for a lot of things in my life and I am not going to take the time to name all of them (it would take forever).  What I will say is that I am thankful for always having a good meal on Thanksgiving, and today was no different.  My family and I went out (in a semi-blizzard) to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino for a Thanksgiving buffet.  Here is the damage:

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Summary:  As you can see.  I ate a little too much. (LOL!!!) I only had 3 plates, which is a lot less than I used to eat when I was fatter.  But the eating spiraled out of control and I couldn’t stop from eating for the rest of the day.  I am going to count today’s meals as my CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT day and move on.  Mike Israetel said in a post on Facebook that it is fine to over indulge once in a while as long as you get back on track the next day.  That is the plan.  I intend to start fresh tomorrow and plan on losing any weight I gained from my food consumption today.

P.S. I am very, very Thankful for all of my blog followers.  Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it.  If you do not, Happy Thursday!

This is a screen shot of the program I use to track my diet. This is the MyFitnessPal app and website.  I know that not all the numbers are totally accurate, but this gives me a rough estimate.

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Summary – Good on calories.  I like staying between 1700-2000.  My carbs were a little high for lunch and dinner, but I still stayed below my daily allotment.  My biggest problem is protein.  I never seem to get enough.  Here I am almost 100g short on my protein intake.  Should I supplement with more Whey?  I know I missed 2 meals and that would help with about 50-60g of protein, but still short.  If you have any suggestions other than “EAT MORE MEAT” I would be interested to hear them.