Posts Tagged ‘Nutrion’

Screen Shot 2015-12-04 at 6.25.10 PMScreen Shot 2015-12-04 at 6.25.21 PM

Summary: Late night snack put me over on calories, but I was starving and couldn’t sleep.  Carbs were great.  Too much fat.  Closer on proteins.  I just need to get back on track.

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I ate so much that I couldn’t get the entire thing in a screen shot.  The daily totals are: Protein 120 out of 204g, Carbs 204 out of 233g, Fats 98 out of 65g, Calories 2233 out of 2330.

Summary: Still not enough protein.  Good on Carbs.  Way too much Fat. Still under my total Calories for the day.  The church breakfast was just way too good to pass up.

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Summary – Low on calories, but felt fine all day.  Good amount of carbs (for me). Below my allowed amount of fat.  Still low on protein, but getting better every day.  I ate 4 out of my 5 meals, so that is getting better as well. Now I just need to do a better job with TIMING my macronutrients as per the Renaissance Diet template I set up. If I stay between this amount of calories and 1700 calories, I would weight 220ish in a month.


Water Intake: 7x8oz glasses

Breakfast: Whey Protein (Nutrilite) – 150 cal, 1g fat, 8g carbs, 25g protein, 35mg Chol

Snack: Saucy Cajun Pork Medallions – 266 cal, 11g fat, 8g carbs, 37g protein, +Chol

Lunch: Saucy Cajun Chicken Medallions – 352 cal, 12g fat, 17g carbs, 46g protein, +Chol

Snack: Nothing

Dinner: Grilled Salmon Salad with Avocado and Mango – 246 cal, 24g fat, 10g carbs, 21g protein, +Chol

Snack: Whey Protein (Nutrilite) – 150 cal, 1g fat, 8g carbs, 25g protein, 35mg Chol

Grand Totals: 1164 cal, 49g fat, 51g carbs, 154g protein, 70+ Chol

Vitamins, Supplements – 1 multivitamin (not sure on specifics at the moment), Rhodiola 10 (Pre-workout), Whey Protein (Post-workout)

Comments: Low on everything.  Didn’t eat enough today.